THE GODLY ARE RARE Poem Devotional

February 4
The godly people have all disappeared; not one honest person is left on the earth. They are all murderers, setting traps even for their own brother. – Micah 7:2(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
These day and age, righteous people are a novelty
Evil predominates and there’s so much cruelty
Many wicked people set traps for their own brothers
It’s a pity there are very few honest and godly people.
Why would anyone want to turn their backs to God?
Violence everywhere prevails; good deeds are gone
Turn your back on evil and confess to God and repent
It is never late to believe in the only Son God has sent.
In the past, there were probably more honest people than in our current world. With the proliferation of evil, the godly are becoming a novelty. Even those who claim to be Christians sometimes find it hard to live their faith because of the demands of society and this corrupt world.
I am so glad that I moved to Canada to a very small town with a 30,000 population as compared to the 21 million population of the city area in the Philippines. In a dense population, there are very few opportunities to even connect to someone. Much crimes are almost like a normal occurrence. I find it so refreshing to find more righteous and honest people in a town rather than in a big city.
Lord, let me keep living in integrity so I can shine for you.
How can we change the world in our own small way?
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